I also included a little in my rhetorical analysis about conjoined twins and the question came up about aborting unhealthy fetuses. If you were to ever have kids and you knew before they were born that they would be conjoined or unhealthy would you abort the fetus(es) ?
3/28/2012 10:49:11 pm

No, In my opinion, i would give the unhealthy baby up for adoption. Because I'm against abortion. But in the case of conjoined twins i would consider keeping the conjoined twins and not give it up or abort them because if i were to place them up for adoption there is no telling who may or may not want to take on the responsibilty of having disabled children.

3/28/2012 10:54:32 pm

kids... are my thing , i love kids when i get older i plan to have many of them. they are the worlds greatest creation , and they are bundles of joy.


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